Transformative Change

This collection explores metamorphosis in all it’s human flavors, from the personal to the transpersonal and all the in-between forms of common-unity.

Articles on transformative change that you can find online:

  • Taking on Moloch – introductory video for the EARTHwise game “Elowyn: Quest of Time” – 2024. Watch it now.
  • Taking Stock: Connective Intelligence for Life in a VUCA World – 2023. Read it now.
  • The New Paradigm in Politics (The New Paradigm Symposia Series) – 2022. Get it here.
  • On Peace and Considerateness – 2022. Read it now.
  • Systemic Transformation in Education & Governance – 8th International r3.0 Conference – 2021. Watch it now and access my presentation file
  • No Time to Rush – 2020. Read it now.
  • The Polarization Effect: Healing our Worldviews – 2019. Read it now.
  • Curating a Culture of Peace and Empathy through Syntony – 2019. Read it now.
  • Attracting our Future into Being: The Syntony Quest – 2018. Get it here.
  • Conversation Communities in Context: A Retrospective Perspective – 2015. Get it here.
  • Living the New Paradigm: Syntony and Spark in Life, Being and Becoming – book chapter – 2008. Get it here.
  • The Leadership-Followership Interdependency: From knowledge to action through collective intelligence and systems thinking – 2017. Foreword to the book “Distributed leadership: The dynamics of balancing leadership with followership”. Get it here.
  • Foreword to Love Letters from Mother Earth – 2017. Get it here.
  • Ripples from the Deep End: Tuning the harmonics of cosmic coherence – Book chapter – 2017. Get it here.
  • Preface to Special Edition of Systems Research and Behavioral Science on Curating the Conditions for a Thrivable Planet – 2014. Get it here.
  • The Quantitative and Management Aspects of Sustainability and Growth – 2013. Get it here.
  • The Qualitative and Developmental Aspects of Sustainability and Growth – 2013. Get it here.
  • Growth, development and evolution – The parameters of change in a dynamic world – 2013. Get it here.
  • What’s your Spiritual Footprint? – 2011. Read it now.
  • “Eleven Things I’ve Learned About Sustainability.” Triple Pundit: People Planet Profit, 19 July 2010. Read it now.
  • Redefining success: designing systemic sustainable strategies – 2010. Get it here.
  • From Corporations to Communities: Nurturing the Human Dimension of Sustainability – 2005. Read it now.
  • S.E.A.: Strategic Evolutionary Advantage – 2004. Get it here.
  • Evolutionary Development: Sustainability … and Beyond! – 2003. Get it here.
  • Evolving knowledge for development: the role of knowledge management in a changing world – 2002. Get it here.

Other articles on transformative change – not available online:

  • “From Sustainability to Thrivability: Transforming systems with purpose” in Godina Košir, Ladeja (ed.), Kyoto Manifesto for Global Economics II: Reaching the Circle of Wholeness. [Springer, in press 2021]
  • “The WELTribe Project: Prospects, Plans and Promise” (with V. Delgado). Proceedings of the 22nd European Meeting on Cybernetics and Systems Research (EMCSR 2014), 2014, Vienna, Austria.
  • “Student/Young Pugwash organizations.”  In J.Y. Yoo et al. (Eds.), The world encyclopedia of peace.  2d ed., rev. and enl., 2 vols. Oxford: Pergamon Press, 2001.
  • “The electric industry and its interaction with local cultural values in late 18th and early 19th century Italy” (with I. Masulli). In the ENEL encyclopedia by G. Mori (Ed.), Storia dell’industria elettrica in Italia, vol. 1: Dalle origini alla vigilia della Prima Guerra Mondiale (1882-1914).  5 vols. Rome and Bari: Laterza, 1992. Pp. 645-696.
  • “Energetic approaches to societal change.” Futures 22(2), March 1990: Pp. 215-217.
  • “Introspectives on sociocultural systems — a thought piece.” Proceedings of the Fourth International Fuschl Conversation of ISI. Fuschl, Austria, 1988.
  • “All we need is WOV (World Order Values).” Planet Earth, Spring, 1979.


If you have any problem getting any of these materials, feel free to contact me 🙂