This was an amazing event:

The «8th International r3.0 Conference» on “Thresholds of Transformation – Piloting Regenerative and Distributive Economies and Cultures”.  I was on a panel dedicated to Education & Governance – Necessary Systemic Transformation of Education together with Dr. Anneloes Smitsman –  

It felt like we were engaged in a conversation about learning how really to “be the change we want to see in the world” – together!  

A conversation about how to emerge a learning society

What was so wonderful about this is that we had worked really hard on putting together a major report, under Anneloes’s leadership, called the «Educational Transformation Blueprint» which you can access and download here –  And now this conference was like harvest time!  We could share what we did and why it felt so important, and that somehow created a field of joy.  It felt like I was in a warm ocean, one that we had helped well up and populated with all sorts of amazing sea creatures in the form of ideas, themes and entire chapters that formed this narrative of change.  

The change we were focused on related directly to the work of the organization that was putting on the show: the r3.0 Organization, developed and headed up by Ralph Thurm and Bill Baue.  Through it, we got deeply involved in exploring redesign for resilience and regeneration for a green, inclusive, and open economy, and in this particular case, an educational transformation blueprint to help guide our way into a true learning society.  

Reflections from a conference dialogue on the future of education

More than just a simple blueprint for the future of education, this report – and the conference event to mark its release – provided a set of binoculars to explore the emerging horizon of educational transformation.  In addition, it provided a good set of sails to catch the winds of change, and a handy and practical compass by which to navigate the sea change it involves.  The Educational Transformation Blueprint charts out the life-long and life-wide learning that heralds a new era in empathy-oriented education based on relational intelligence.  From a systems perspective, this is the power of syntony as an organizing force for the comprehensive redesign of educational systems, and indeed, of societal systems in the living and breathing context of our ecosystemic world.   

Link to 8th International r3.0 Conference event on Events Page