Whatā€™s Going On

This is my activities and events page.Ā  Here youā€™ll find what Iā€™m up to and some of the things Iā€™m into.Ā  If you see something that youā€™d like to participate in, too, by all means come join me!Ā And if you want to know more about one thing or another, donā€™t hesitate to Get in Touch. Whenever possible, Iā€™ll post a reflection, impression or learning from the things in which I participate in my blog section.Ā  That way, youā€™ll get to see what I see as valuable or worthy of note, even if you werenā€™t involved, yourself. šŸ¤ 

BTW, all times are in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). To convert to your local time, you can use this link: https://www.worldtimebuddy.com/

8th International r3.0 Conference

Conference Theme: ā€œThresholds of Transformation ā€“ Piloting Regenerative and Distributive Economies and Culturesā€. Panelist on the topic of Education & Governance ā€“ Necessary Systemic Transformation of Education. You can read my reflexions on this event on this blog post I wrote.

11 Days of Global Unity – Summit 2021

An annual worldwide event for changemakers to promote of peace, justice, sustainability and transformation. Hazel Henderson and I were Guest Speakers on an Economic Justice Panel focused on the question, "Can We Create An Economy That Works For All?" If you want to re--watch it clic here

Compass of Hope Playshop & Celebration

Guest Presentation on The Path of Syntony in which I offer an understanding of the path to wholeness and oneness through five levels of consciousness and an in-depth view of the Avatar Mindset. If you missed this event, you can watch it here:

The Evolutionary Renaissance Assembly (ERA) Forum

This is a 3 Day Multicast to explore The Dream of The Earth in which I serve as co-facilitator and part of the organizing team with dedicated panels that I ran on Day 1 and Day 2. If you missed it: Panel 2 Day One: Ascending to the Age of Planetary Consciousness Panel 5 Day […]

A Living Citiesā€¢Earth Panel Discussion

Topic of Discussion: Designing peace in Middle East with five world leading experts in the evolution of societal systems, transformative social change, integral development, and the thrivability of large-scale social systems, from cities to macroregions. All panel participants are Co-Founding members of Living Citiesā€¢Earth (the worldā€™s largest community of experts in integral territorial development). Discussion […]

A NetEdu Project to follow up on the ERA Forum of October 2023

This will be The Next ERA event ā€“ a follow up on the successful Evolutionary Rainaissance Assembly of 18-20 October 2023. As part of a broader Learning Ecosystem Trilogy, this event will continue to advance the establishement of a University for the Planet (U4P) by exploring the practical and pragmatic aspects of Evolutionary Development Goals […]

Empowering Time: An Initiative of the Empowering Economy Foundation

A meeting to share experiences of the Empowering Economy project that enhance the sum of our energies and talents and catalyses the changes that our world needs so much. I will be presenting the international framework as an ambassador of the Empowering Economy initiative, contextualizing it in relation to other similar initiatives in other parts […]

Fostering Thrivable Futures through Education

A Co-Creation follow up session to the 18 ā€“ 20 October Evolutionary Renaissance Assembly (ERA), focusing on youth-inspired visions for a positive future for the thriving of all life on Earth.