Whatā€™s Going On

This is my activities and events page.Ā  Here youā€™ll find what Iā€™m up to and some of the things Iā€™m into.Ā  If you see something that youā€™d like to participate in, too, by all means come join me!Ā And if you want to know more about one thing or another, donā€™t hesitate to Get in Touch. Whenever possible, Iā€™ll post a reflection, impression or learning from the things in which I participate in my blog section.Ā  That way, youā€™ll get to see what I see as valuable or worthy of note, even if you werenā€™t involved, yourself. šŸ¤ 

BTW, all times are in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). To convert to your local time, you can use this link: https://www.worldtimebuddy.com/

8th International r3.0 Conference

Conference Theme: ā€œThresholds of Transformation ā€“ Piloting Regenerative and Distributive Economies and Culturesā€. Panelist on the topic of Education & Governance ā€“ Necessary Systemic Transformation of Education. You can read […]

11 Days of Global Unity – Summit 2021

An annual worldwide event for changemakers to promote of peace, justice, sustainability and transformation. Hazel Henderson and I were Guest Speakers on an Economic Justice Panel focused on the question, […]

Compass of Hope Playshop & Celebration

Guest Presentation on The Path of Syntony in which I offer an understanding of the path to wholeness and oneness through five levels of consciousness and an in-depth view of […]

A Living Citiesā€¢Earth Panel Discussion

Topic of Discussion: Designing peace in Middle East with five world leading experts in the evolution of societal systems, transformative social change, integral development, and the thrivability of large-scale social […]

Fostering Thrivable Futures through Education

A Co-Creation follow up session to the 18 ā€“ 20 October Evolutionary Renaissance Assembly (ERA), focusing on youth-inspired visions for a positive future for the thriving of all life on […]

Bold Brave TV

Special Guest on Dr. Janet Smith Warfield's Ā«Planetary Peace, Power, and ProsperityĀ» TV Show with Guest Host Dr. Cynthia Diane Clayton. To view it live (at the time of the […]